+91 9712300124 info@DrParthParekh.com

Sprained Ankle
It’s a tear in the tissues (called ligaments) that hold your ankle bones together. It often happens when your foot rolls sideways. Your ankle may bruise and swell. You might not be able to put weight on it. RICE is the best way to treat it: Rest, Ice for 20 minutes at a time, Compress with an elastic bandage and Elevate your ankle — lift it above your heart. A light sprain will get better in a few days. If yours is worse, the doctor may suggest a short cast or walking boot, followed by physical therapy.

Your bones are held together by a joint, however since the bones are solid and rough piece of mass, the joints have cartilage, which acts like cushion between two joints for smooth and pain less movement. Over time, your cartilage goes through wear and tear and the cushion is lost. This condition is described as osteoarthritis, which causes inflammation, pain and stiffness. Your foot and ankle specialist would recommend anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid shots to reduce pain. In case of difficulty in movement, ankles braces and exercises are prescribed. If the condition gets worse, the doctor may also recommend surgery.

Gout is a serious problem, which is extremely painful for your foot and ankle. Generally it affect big toe, however your ankle is at equal risk. It is caused when a waste called uric acid, do not find a way out and turns into needle shaped crystals that starts collecting in your ankle joints. Your doctor may prescribe a medication to treat your gout attack. Also, your feet need rest when suffering from gout. If left untreated, it may lead to serious foot problem in future.

Flat Foot
You heel and the fore feet forms arch in a normal feet, however these arch or curve between fore foot and back foot is missing in some of the people. It may happen because of wear and tear or it may be inherited. This state of feet is not a problem unless your ankle gets out of line with your knees, because of resulting imbalance caused by your flat feet. There are specially designed flat feet shoes and arch supports that may help in this condition. Also, your foot specialist may recommend some physical exercises to correct your arch and postures.

There are two fluid sacs known as bursa in your ankle to provide cushioning and protect them from any pressure. They may get inflamed because of reasons like ageing ankle, high heeled shoes, arthritis, aggressive workouts. Your ankle goes through swelling, pain, may get red and warm too. The best way to treat the condition of bursitis is RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. If it doesn’t help, consult a foot specialist, who may recommend some anti-inflammatory drugs and some foot and ankle stretching and exercises.

Ankle Fracture
Your ankle is made up of three bones: Talus, Fibula and the tibia. Due to weakening bone or sudden trauma, any one of these bones may break. You may be able to walk, but it would be painful. Until you see a doctor, you may follow RICE treatment. Take rest, keep your ankle iced, compressed and elevated, which might help with a temporary relief. Based on the severity of the fracture, the doctor may recommend a cast or an ankle belt to keep it immobile. In severe cases, surgery may also be advised.

Dr. Parth Parekh
DNB (Orthopaedic) ; D (Orthopaedic) ; M.N.A.M.S (Orthopaedic)
Consultant Orthopaedic Foot And Ankle Surgeon

CIMS Hospital
Science City Road,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat India 380060

+91 9712300124