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Why Your Feet Hurt When You Wake Up in the Morning?

Why Your Feet Hurt When You Wake Up in the Morning?

It might be a sharp, stinging pain that runs along the bottom of your foot. Or maybe your heels feel tight or the top of your feet throb when you wake up. If your feet hurt in the morning, you may be wondering if you’re just getting up on the wrong side of the bed or...

6 Yoga Poses for Strong Legs

6 Yoga Poses for Strong Legs

Summertime sends us outside—walking, running, hiking, biking, or standing still trying to catch a breeze. What do these activities have in common? They require us to use the power of our legs. In fact, many of our recreational and mundane activities require strong...

8 Foot and Ankle Problems Never to Ignore

8 Foot and Ankle Problems Never to Ignore

Pain and swelling in your foot or ankle are often due to a sprain or strain. These will usually heal on their own, but there are other times you should see your healthcare provider for foot or ankle pain. If symptoms persist or get worse, it could be due to arthritis,...

Do you enjoy foot pain? No one does!

Do you enjoy foot pain? No one does!

For many people, sore, achy feet can be bothersome after walking long distances. But for others, dealing with chronic ankle or heel pain is an everyday occurrence. To help relieve pain or discomfort in the ankles and feet, mobility exercises often focus on stretching...

Tips for Back-to-School Shoe Shopping

Tips for Back-to-School Shoe Shopping

As parents, we know that as our children change and grow, their feet do too. So the shoes that were suitable for them a year ago might not be anymore because their support needs and the feet themselves may have changed. And because most kids will spend at least 1,200...

Is Your Diet Affecting Your Feet in a Harmful Way?

Is Your Diet Affecting Your Feet in a Harmful Way?

When people think about health and nutrition, what usually comes to mind is heart health, diabetes, or losing weight. But many fail to recognize that what you eat affects much more than just your heart, blood sugar level, and weight – it also affects your foot health....

4 Common Ankle and Foot Injuries and How Your Doctor Can Help?

4 Common Ankle and Foot Injuries and How Your Doctor Can Help?

Injuries to the feet and ankles are quite common and can happen to anyone, not just those involved in sports. While minor sprains and strains can be nursed back to health by just icing your injury and resting, it’s important to be able to distinguish when you need to...

6 Tips to Winter-Proof Your Diabetic Care Plan

6 Tips to Winter-Proof Your Diabetic Care Plan

When temperatures begin to change, your blood sugar can too. Both cold and hot weather can affect your medications and your testing equipment and harm your body’s ability to make and use insulin. Inclement weather and freezing temps can make it even more difficult to...

How to Manage Diabetic Foot Problems?

How to Manage Diabetic Foot Problems?

When most people think of diabetes, blood sugar immediately comes to mind. But for podiatrists, it’s your feet. Because November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, in today’s post Dr Parth Parekh is discussing some of the common diabetic foot problems and how to...

Early signs of Foot Arthritis

Early signs of Foot Arthritis

Arthritis can affect one or more joints in the feet. Hereditary tendencies, old injuries, poor footwear, and excess weight are a few predisposing factors of the disease. Because May is Arthritis Awareness Month, today Dr Parth Parekh is sharing some information...

5 Healthy Feet Tips for Men

5 Healthy Feet Tips for Men

Unlike women, men aren’t typically concerned with the feel, smell, or look of their feet.  However,  flip-flop and sandal season is here, so it’s important to establish a good grooming routine to get those feet in shape. Because June is Men’s Health Month, today Dr...

Thoughtful Gift Ideas for the Seniors in Your Life

Thoughtful Gift Ideas for the Seniors in Your Life

Whether you’re shopping for an older relative or friend, or your senior neighbor,  Dr Parth Parekh has some thoughtful gift suggestions. These gifts will also serve as friendly reminders that seniors need to care for their feet, particularly during the colder months....

I Have Ankle Arthritis Now What?

I Have Ankle Arthritis Now What?

Ankle arthritis refers to damage to the smooth cartilage which normally lines the ankle joint. This can be caused by wear and tear, as a result of a previous injury, or can come on for no obvious reason. It sometimes runs in families. It typically affects people in...

COVID-19: Exercises that Covid Survivors Should Do to Stay Fit

COVID-19: Exercises that Covid Survivors Should Do to Stay Fit

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the recently discovered coronavirus. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus enters the body via nose, mouth and eyes....

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