+91 9712300124 info@DrParthParekh.com

Pes Planus (Flat Foot)

This is a condition where the normal arches of the foot are not maintained. The arches become very low or there is no arch present. In this condition, the entire sole of the foot (including the inner border) touches the ground.

Causes are typically positive family history (genetic), injury, weak arches, arthritis, obesity and posterior tibial tendon injury.

Symptoms range from mild to moderate pain, mechanical imbalance, ankle going inwards and stresses over other joints.

Diagnosis can be made by physical examination and by xrays, ct and mri.

Treatment can be initially conservative depending on the severity of the flat foot. Conservative treatment in the form of exercises, insoles with custom supports, extra wide fitting shoes, medial wedge and post, weight reduction. Physiotherapy in the form of heel cord stretching golf ball roll.

Surgical treatment when severe flat foot is present in the form of medial calcaneaum osteotomy , terndon transfers and osteotomies.

Complications like achilies tendonitis, arthritis etc may occur.