+91 9712300124 info@DrParthParekh.com

Hallux Valgus

Typically thought of as a bump on the side of the toe’s. This may reflect changes in appearance of the alignment of the toe’s and also the anatomy. This happens overtime and has a genetic or hereditary component. It also is associated with patient of flat foot as well as people wearing tight shoes or pointed shoe’s.

Symptoms felt by the patients range from pain, inflammation, swelling, redness and/or discomfort.

Diagnosis is made by clinical and history taking and grading of severity over radiographs.

Treatment mostly consists of conservative management which can be in the form of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pads, spacers, exercises, shoe modifications and/or orthosis. When the severity is more surgical treatment is the only option. The goal of the surgery is not the cosmetic but the alignment of the toe’s.