+91 9712300124 info@DrParthParekh.com

Charcoats Arthropathy

It is the weakness of the foot due to nerve damage (neuropathy).This weakness of bones may lead to fractures with continuous walking and eventually the foot changes shape.

As the disorder progresses, the joints collapse and the foot takes an abnormal shape(rocker bottom appearance).This can further lead to deformity,disability,and even amputation.

Diabetes is also associated with neuropathy.

The cause of this condition is due to neuropathy leading to loss of sensation and ability to fell the temperature, pain and trauma.

Sypmtoms vary from redness, swelling, warm to touch, stiffness etc.

Diagnosis can be made by history taking and examination. Further diagnosis can be made with the help of xrays.

Conservative treatment for initial stages can be tries from orthosis,custom shoes, activity modification,off loading casts etc

Surgical mediation is necessary as the severity increases. Fusion of the collapsed or fracrtured bones is the mainstay for the treatment in terms of surgery.